My Top Photo Tip and Online Workshops

Hey Everyone

A big welcome to all those that have visited my website this month
Thank you for coming along for the ride and to all of you for your support

I’m so grateful that this is becoming something so special.

My Top Photo Tip

I love that I often get asked for photography advice, it’s amazing to be able to help others by passing on what I know.

So what’s my number one tip to improve all aspects of your photography? Light

It sounds simple, but understanding light and how it affects your shooting and all the way through to your editing is so important.

It can make the difference between an average photo and something truly special

I’m always reminding myself of this.

Online Workshops

Today I’m excited to announce my online one to one workshops are now available to book.

I’ve called these workshops ‘Capture Magic’ and that’s what I hope to help you achieve.

I’ve built up well over a decade of photography experience and I can’t wait to share this knowledge with you

From equipment and camera settings, through to shooting, editing, Instagram and mindset

I can tailor each session to meet your needs and look forward to sharing my passion

I’m offering a £5 discount until the end of this month. This is as a thank you for supporting me

Use code ‘GOODVIBES’ at the checkout

Big vibes as always

Take it easy

WorkshopsEdd CopeComment